Viewing Diagrams

Locating a Diagram

  1. Access a diagram from one of the following locations:

A - Popular Information

  1. Click a diagram type or search for the name of a diagram to display a list of available diagrams.
  2. Select a diagram to display it and any associated diagrams.

B - System & Components

  1. Select a subsystem or component (If required).
  2. Choose a diagram type for the system or component you have chosen.
  3. Select any additional options (If required).

​C - Search Vehicle Information

  1. Type in the name of the diagram you are looking for.
  2. Scroll down to the Diagrams section.
  3. Select a diagram to display it and any associated diagrams.



Viewing a Full-Size Diagram

Click anywhere on a diagram to go to the image viewer screen

OE Diagrams

On the image viewer screen you can:

  1. The diagram responds to multiple actions:
    • Left-click and drag the mouse pan the image
    • Double left-click to zoom in
    • Double right-click to zoom out
  2. Zoom Out
  3. Zoom In
  4. Reset Zoom
  5. Rotate 90 Degrees Right
  6. Open Diagram in New Tab / Window
  7. Print
  8. Close Diagram Window
  9. Switch to next image in the series

Interactive Color Wiring Diagrams (Non-OE)

  1. The diagram responds to multiple actions:
    • Left-click (wire/component) to highlight the item
    • Left-click (empty space) and drag the mouse to pan the image
    • Double left-click to zoom in
    • Double right-click to zoom out
  2. Information panel
    • Wire color abbreviations
    • Symbols key
  3. Search text within diagrams
  4. Hide/show non-highlighted wires
    • Turns all non-highlighted wires light grey
  5. Clear highlights
  6. View one diagram at a time
  7. Zoom out
  8. Zoom in
  9. Reset zoom to full screen
  10. Rotate 90 degrees right
  11. Print
  12. Bookmark diagram series
  13. Close diagram window
Single diagram view also includes the following actions:

  1. View previous image in series
  2. View next image in series
  3. View all diagrams in the series on one page
  4. Open diagram in new tab / window