Checking Price and Availability for Aftermarket Parts | ALLDATA

Checking Price and Availability for Aftermarket Parts

You can check the price and availability of Aftermarket Parts from ALLDATA® ManageSM through AZ PartsConnectSM .

To check the price and availability of parts through AZ PartsConnect:

  1. In the Order window, select the Aftermarket Parts View tab.

    • Result: The Aftermarket Parts View tab displays a list of the aftermarket parts from the Estimate or Repair Order.

      • Note: OE parts are NOT listed.

  2. Click AZ PartsConnect.

  3. A request is sent to AZ Commercial℠ for current pricing and availability and the application is started.

  4. When you are finished requesting information in AZ PartsConnect, click Done. 

    • The information is returned to Manage.

  5. Select the Job View tab and verify that the Cost field for each part is updated to reflect the current price.