How Taxes are Calculated
Tax EXEMPTION settings
Tax Exempt settings refer to whether or not parts or labor charges are taxable or tax-exempt.
Note: This term is not referring to how to tax supplies or hazardous materials, or to setting tax percentages.
A line item will inherit the vehicle’s tax exempt settings. In turn, a vehicle will inherit a customer’s tax exempt settings.
Tax SCHEDULE settings
Tax Schedule settings refer to which of the configured or default Tax Schedule tables are used to calculate the tax on a Customer, Vehicle, or Line Item.
A line item will inherit the customer’s tax schedule settings. A vehicle will inherit the vehicle’s tax schedule settings.
How Tax EXEMPTION settings are applied:
When you create or edit a customer in ALLDATA® ManageSM you assign a Customer Type.
The Customer Type tax exempt settings prefill the tax exempt fields in the Customer window.
When you add a vehicle to a customer, the customer’s tax exempt settings are prefilled on the Vehicle window.
If you change the CUSTOMER'S tax exempt settings after you add the vehicle, the VEHICLE tax exemption settings do NOT change.
Edit the Vehicle to change the vehicle’s tax exempt settings.
Changes to the Tax Schedule will ONLY be reflected on tickets created AFTER the change is made and saved/applied, and going forward.
New tax rates will NOT automatically apply to old tickets.
You can override a line item’s tax exempt settings by selecting (or deselecting) the Tax Exempt box on the Select New Job Items window.
When items (other than Miscellaneous Charges) are added to an order, the vehicle's tax exempt settings are assigned if there is a vehicle assigned to the order.
If no vehicle is assigned, the customer's tax exempt settings are assigned to the job items.
Miscellaneous Charges use whatever tax exempt settings are assigned to them, regardless of vehicle or customer tax settings.
How Tax SCHEDULE settings are applied:
When you create a company database, your shop's default tax rates are set.
To configure multiple or compound Tax Rates, refer to the Tax and Markups procedure.
Each schedule has a matrix for parts and labor tax rates.
On the Tax Rates Setup page, configure up to 10 tax rate matrixes and assign at least one tax rate matrix to each tax schedule.
Assign a default tax schedule for the company database.
When you create or edit a customer, assign a Tax Schedule.
When you add a vehicle to a customer, select a Tax Schedule to assign to the vehicle.