Adding New Employees
To add new employee records:
Click Setup >> Employees.
Click New.
In the New Employee pop-up box, enter:
Employee ID: Required. Create an ID using letters, numbers or both.
Employee Name: Required. Enter first, last or both.
Title: Optional.
Extension: Optional.
Roles: Required. Select Technician, Service Advisor or both.
Salary Information: Optional. This may be used to calculate Labor Profit in future versions of ALLDATA® ManageSM .
Payment Type & Payment Amount:
Flat Rate: For hourly employees whose hours are calculated using the hours billed to the customer (rather than the actual hours worked). Enter the hourly rate charged to the customer.
Hourly: For employees paid per hour worked. Enter their hourly pay rate.
Salary: For employees paid a set amount for a set time period. Enter their salary amount.
Pay Period Hours: Full-time is typically 40 for one week, 80 for two weeks.
Active: Check the box for current employees who are available to be assigned to jobs.
Click Submit.
See also: