Product Support

Can't View Parts and Labor or Can't Create a New Estimate



Unable to get Parts and Labor information or unable to create/open ALLDATA® RepairSM (DVD) estimates.


Possible Cause(s):

ALLDATA Repair (DVD) set options for Parts and Labor and/or Estimates have been disabled.


Suggested Solution(s):

  1. Close out of ALLDATA Repair (DVD).

  2. Click Start >> (My) Computer.

  3. Double-click C:\ drive.

  4. Double-click ALLDATAW.

  5. Double-click Setopt.exe

  6. Uncheck Disable Estimating and Disable Maintenance, Parts and Labor options.

  7. Click OK

  8. Open ALLDATA Repair (DVD) and verify Estimating, Maintenance, Parts, and Labor options are available.