Strategies to bolster the future Collision Tech Workforce
College collision repair department heads and a recent graduate say the industry as a whole needs to get behind pulling kids’ interest to the skills it takes to become technicians at younger ages.
And that’s just what Metropolitan Community College (MCC) in Omaha, Nebraska is doing through its summer camps focused on kids ages 10-12, called “College for Kids,” and “College for Teens” for ages 14-17. The first group of 10-12-year-olds spent a day last week learning about the uses of and differences between rigid and flexible foam with an I-CAR frame rail demonstration. They also learned about tools used in collision repair. The same topics will be covered with a second group this week.
Read Repairer Driven News: Colleges say reaching students before high school is key to future collision tech workforce
Lurah Lowery has worked as a journalist for eight years covering many beats from government, crime and courts, and education to the collision repair industry. Her current work brings her passions for cars, research, and journalism together to report on collision repair topics and challenges.
Photo supplied by Repairer Driven News and Joe Baker/Metropolitan Community College
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