ASE Tech 1600
Firestone repair technicians earn ASE Automotive Service Professionals Month accolades
Aug. 07 2021
ASE Tech 365
Aug. 07 2021
ASE Professionals Month

In June, ALLDATA recognized outstanding auto repairers who were submitted by shops across the country for ASE Automotive Service Professionals Month.

Now we’re pleased to share photos of the honorees from Firestone Complete Auto Care in Lawrence, Kansas. They received certificates, AutoZone gift cards, ALLDATA shop stools, and other swag.


Congratulations again to these ASE Automotive Service Professionals Month honorees.


Jesse Carter

Jesse Carter

Ethan Edmonds

Ethan Edmonds

Brian Gallagher

Brian Gallagher

Joseph Hall

Joseph Hall

Elliot Sander

Elliot Sander

Jon White

Jon White


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